A month after our planned engagement shoot date (due to lockdown) we found gold.
After 2 months of not being able to photograph people (and ONLY my Yorkies and husband) I was very eager to get back into the saddle and capture what is real and true.
Diandra, Pieter and myself (together with their dogs) chased a sunset, and what we found was spectacular....
We could capture their long awaited engagement shoot and also their talents.
"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other."
With a heart full of hope we found a beautiful secluded woodlands area through the kindness of a stranger... a farmer who invited us into his fairy inhabited forest...
We were taking photos at the entrance of a farm near the Lesotho border... the farmer stopped in his bakkie next to me... he gave me a kind look and invited us onto his land to take photos.
His random act of kindness meant the WORLD to me.
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams
"So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light"
Mumford and Sons
The magic started when Diandra and Pieter shared with me their amazing musical talents during our shoot.
Imagine a row of trees and then hearing Mumford and Sons being played by a violinist and guitar player. The whole setting was enchanting.
As I captured the enchanting melodies, we were spoiled with beautiful golden tones of light falling through the trees. Long shadows falling over us. Indicating the end of day and beginning of a chilly winter evening.
We were encapsulated with God's presence.
I hope this shoot gives you hope... Because even though the whole world is going through tough times... there is always beautiful stories of hope.
"Here comes the sun"
"Here comes the sun"
"And I say, it's all right"
The Beatles
In every walk in with nature one receives far more than he seeks. - John Muir
Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy. - Isaac Newton
To connect with Meraci and to capture what is real and true, please contact Carine: